
sorry about the bad formatting ill change it some time soon





The void

im still figuring out how to change fonts so bare with the bad lettering and spelling

ill pop my artwork thats related to "the void" its a comic ive been working on slowly

this IS the void in one of its "physical" forms, they use all pronouns since its all and nothing at once


Memento mori is the first stoy in the void. a boy named sunny finds himself in the void after falling down a well.

quinn a half demon half human strugling through her depression and cronic illness

and lastly victor a wrighter for a tv show that he just so happens to be dateing the host of.

with his mind slowly slipping away from him. and a eldrich god, classism racism and other issues plague there lifes.

this is quinn one of the main characters in memento mori, the fisrt story in the series that is The void... this is not going to be a comic any time soon, its a very big project

victor my sad boi, the 3rd main character of memento mori.

Ref sheets!!

sunny, i dont draw him much digitaly, but hes the 1st main character :]


wordless is the 2nd story in The Void, following clair, a t-girl who has lost her memorys, in a limbo that is the void.

i draw her more on paper.. ill add those some day haha


Luo,bug and aiden. the 3rd and (hopefully) last story in The Void. called Dream A Day. its more of the human(earth) side of this messed up world haha.

Mounting created Bloggif